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Website Migration Checklist With Guaranteed Data Safety


Website migration is not a new process. People have been using this process for years. With every day new developments in the web hosting world, there has been a lot of development in the website migration process. Now you can manage hosting transfer with guaranteed data safety. Some common reasons for website migration are moving to a new web server, changing the CMS of your website or updating the configuration of the web server. In the migration process, you move your web server data from one hosting partner to another. You can move from shared web hosting to a virtual dedicated server. You can check your needs to decide on which hosting option you should migrate to your website. 

Now, website owners who require hosting transfer can follow some simple steps to complete this process confidently. Earlier, many would fear to migrate because of data loss risk. If required, you may involve technical experts to help you with moving the website to a new host. Here is our website migration checklist that you can follow for guaranteed data safety and seamless migration.

Continue your website migration process with this checklist and complete the process without any risk of data loss or search engine optimisation.

Website Migration: What It Is

Website migration is the process of making significant alterations to a website’s technology, site structure, design, or location. This can involve various changes, such as switching platforms, updating the domain name, or moving to a different web hosting provider. You may face issues like 404 errors, missing content, and lost ranking, but you do not have to worry, you just have to ensure that you have the backup data before starting the migration process. All of these get resolved and things get restored in a few days. You must check that you have successfully moved all the pages. These can significantly improve your website's search engine visibility.

Key Points About Moving Website To New Host:

Site Location: Moving the website to a different domain or hosting platform.

Platform: Transitioning to a new content management system (CMS) or e-commerce platform.

Structure: Altering the site’s organization, navigation, or hierarchy.

Content: Updating existing content or adding new pages.

Design: Revamping the visual appearance and user interface.

User Experience (UX): Enhancing how visitors interact with the site.

SEO Implications: Proper planning and execution are crucial during a hosting transfer.

Contrary to the widespread belief that traffic and revenue loss are inevitable during migration, successful planning and execution can lead to positive outcomes. Some websites even see growth immediately after launching their revamped versions.

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Website Migration Checklist That All Should Consider

All should consider these factors for website migration. These are part of the primary checklist.

  1. Objective: Clearly define the purpose of the migration. Is it to improve performance, update design, or enhance user experience? Set specific goals, such as increasing traffic, reducing bounce rate, or improving conversion rates.
  2. Data Backup: Ensure a backup plan for all website data, including databases, files, and configurations. Regularly back up data during the migration process to prevent data loss.
  3. Inform Users: Notify users and stakeholders about the upcoming migration. Provide details on timing, expected changes, and any potential disruptions. Minimize user impact by communicating clearly and transparently.
  4. Get IT Experts Ready: Engage IT professionals or web developers experienced in moving websites to new host. Seek assistance for complex tasks, such as server configuration, DNS changes, and database transfers.
  5. Migration Timeline: Create a detailed timeline with milestones and deadlines. Plan for minimal downtime during migration. Consider off-peak hours for implementation.
  6. Check Analytics Record: Record pre-migration analytics data (e.g., traffic, conversions, bounce rate). Continuously monitor analytics after migration to assess performance and identify any issues.

Website Migration Checklist For SEO Experts

You have done a lot of work to get your website to the present SERP and view. SEO experts can keep the following points to manage hosting transfer seamlessly.

  1. All URLs list: Compile a comprehensive list of all existing URLs on your current website. Use tools like site crawlers or Google Search Console to extract URLs. Include canonical URLs, subdomains, and any other relevant paths.
  2. Redirect List: Plan and implement proper redirects to maintain SEO equity during the migration. Redirects ensure that users and search engines find the new pages seamlessly. Identify key pages that need redirection (e.g., high-traffic pages, backlinks). Set up 301 redirects from old URLs to corresponding new URLs. Test redirects to verify their accuracy.
  3. Data Analytics Report: Assess the impact of migration on website performance. Monitoring analytics helps identify issues and track improvements. Record pre-migration data (traffic, conversions, bounce rate). Continuously monitor post-migration metrics to evaluate success. Look for anomalies and address them promptly.
  4. Paid Marketing: Coordinate paid marketing efforts with the migration to keep users engaged with your website. Paid campaigns should align with the new site structure and content. Update ad copy, landing pages, and tracking URLs. Allocate budget for post-migration campaigns. Refine keywords based on the new site’s focus.

Website Migration Checklist For Developers

The most important role is of developers in the website migration. You must include the following points in your website migration checklist.

  1. Check Server Compatibility: Developers should assess the compatibility of the new server environment with the website. This involves verifying that the server meets the requirements for hosting the site. Key considerations include server resources (CPU, memory, storage), supported technologies (e.g., PHP versions, databases), and any specific configurations needed for the website to function optimally.
  2. DataSafety & Migration: Developers must ensure a smooth transfer of data from the old website to the new one. This includes content (pages, images, videos), user accounts, product information (for e-commerce sites), and any other relevant data. Proper mapping and validation are essential to prevent data loss.
  3. Database Checks & Management:  Developers need to handle database-related tasks during migration. You must update the database schema to match the new site’s requirements. You must convert data formats if needed (e.g., from CSV to SQL). You must rigorously test database queries, indexes, and performance.
  4. Permissions, File Transfer & DNS: Developers should securely transfer files (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, media files) from the old server to the new one. This involves using tools like FTP or SCP. You must set appropriate file permissions to ensure security and proper functionality. Avoid overly permissive settings. Check and update DNS records to point to the new server’s IP address. This ensures that users reach the correct site after migration.
  5. Install SSL Certificate: Developers must install an SSL certificate on the new server to enable secure HTTPS communication. Configure the web server (e.g., Apache, Nginx) to use the SSL certificate properly. You must verify that SSL is working correctly and that the site loads over HTTPS.

When Website Migration Gets Necessary?

Over time, the configurations of the web server may need updating due to changes in the purpose or growth of the website that is asking for more RAM, Disk Space or cloud space. You must understand the needs of your website and plan to migrate when it becomes necessary. You may plan your website migration in the following cases.

  1. Major Changes In Websites: As websites evolve, their requirements change. Perhaps your website has outgrown its current infrastructure, or you need to introduce new features. If your website experiences a surge in traffic, you might need to migrate to a stronger server or cloud web hosting. If your website demands more RAM, disk space, or processing power, migration becomes essential. Moving from a shared hosting environment to a dedicated server or cloud-based solution requires migration. You must assess your website’s growth and adaptability. If it’s straining the existing setup, consider migration.
  2. 301 Redirect: A 301 redirect is a permanent redirection from one URL to another. It’s crucial for maintaining SEO equity during website changes. If you switch to a new domain (e.g., from to, implement 301 redirects to ensure users and search engines find the new location. When restructuring URLs (e.g., moving from /old-page to /new-page), use 301 redirects to guide visitors to the updated content. Configure 301 redirects in your server or CMS to seamlessly direct traffic from old URLs to their new counterparts.
  3. Redesigning Website: Redesigning is a common reason for migration. This is for improving user experience, updating aesthetics, or aligning with brand changes. You have to migrate existing content to the new design. You must plan for proper redirects and maintain essential elements (meta tags, headings, etc.). You can rigorously test the redesigned site across devices and browsers. Do not forget to involve designers, developers, and SEO experts to ensure a smooth transition.

Does Website Migration Cause SEO Impacts? Know The Truth

Recently, a UK retailer experienced a 35% visibility drop after switching from HTTP to HTTPS, taking six months to recover. Another retailer faced a permanent 20% visibility loss due to the same migration. But these are happening due to some valid reasons. Most site owners see an overall improvement in site visibility and user experience after migration. You do not have to worry, follow the above checklist and manage the migration process that will not impact your website SEO.

If you have clear objectives and valid reasons to migrate, then you should focus on those points and you can migrate without any data or traffic loss. You can make your website better and improve the user experience with migration. This can boost your search engine visibility and SEO plans.

You must submit your XML sitemap after getting the new URL and set your things in Google Search Console to check if all pages are indexed or not. You can resubmit for reindexing if there is an issue. Thus you can manage website migration without SEO impacts.


Website migration has a purpose to serve and if done under the guidance of experts, there are very few chances for any bad impacts. You do not have to fear data loss or SEO loss. You can follow the above website migration checklist to make your process easy and safe. You can manage moving the website to a new host like others and see the good impacts, new features, designs, looks and updates without any fear.